virtako - Virtako SYNGENTA Insecticides

Brand: virtako

virtako - VIRTAKO wwwrythuagroin Videos for Virtako VIRTAKO eyeshadow Chlorantraniliprole 20 Thiamethoxam 20 For Rice growers VIRTAKO is a unique new generation granule insecticide having excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer Syngentas Virtako help rice growers arrest crop loss at vegetative stage Insecticides Syngenta Syngenta Viratko Insecticide 5kg Thiamethoxam 1 Syngenta Virtako Insecticide 1 KG Agriplex For Rice growers VIRTAKO is a unique new generation granule insecticide having excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer Syngentas Virtako help rice growers arrest crop loss at vegetative stage It provides vigor to the plant for better crop establishment thus ensuring higher yield Virtako Agricare Virtako a revolutionary granular insecticide by Syngenta offers superior longlasting protection against Stem Borers in rice and corn and Early Shoot Borers in sugarcane Its unique dualaction formula not only safeguards crops but also invigorates plant growth leading to higher yields and a greater return on inve Virtako Insecticide Syngenta 4Virtako 24DT 25 kgha statistically T 4 and T 6 were on par Table 1 Virtako 24DT 25 kgha and Thiamethoxam 75 SG 015 kgha shown similar efficacy in reducing the population of GLH in transplanted rice Efficacy of Virtako 24 DT against Cmedinalis The per cent leaf damage by leaf folder during precount Virtako GR is a broadspectrum insecticide It becomes the part of the plant xylem and attacks the nerves of the insects It paralyzes the Stem Borer and kills them Virtako SYNGENTA Insecticides Virtako GR Syngenta Virtako WG is a broadspectrum insecticide It becomes the part of the plant xylem and attacks the nerves of the insects It paralyzes the Stem Borer and kills them Virtako 40 WG Crop ProtectionInsecticide Syngenta Virtako 40 WG is recommended to be applied at the following rates CROP Rice PESTS Green Leafhoppers Stem borers Recommended Rate 75 to 100 product Preharvest Interval gha 5 g16L 300L Spray Volume 26 days 10 160L FREQUENCY AND TIMING OF APPLICATION Virtako 40 WG will be applied at 15days intervals for a maximum of 3 applications per Virtako 40 WG Syngenta Virtako is a broadspectrum insecticide that contains thiamethoxam and chlorantraniliprole which have different modes of action It is used to control insect pests on rice corn and sugarcane juggling sepak bola crops and has long residual activity Syngenta Virtako is a unique new generation granular insecticide providing excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer in Rice Corn and Early Shoot Borer in Sugarcane Virtako helps in the growth of extra productive tillers profuse root development along with a lush green healthy crop and gives an extra advantage of increase in the crop growth Virtako is a new generation insecticide with dual mode of action that protects crops from Stem Borer and Early Shoot Borer It provides vigour higher yields and better ROI to the growers Virtako 40 WG is a granule insecticide that protects crops from chewing and sucking pests for up to 14 days It contains thiamethoxam and chlorantraniliprole two active ingredients with different modes of action Virtako is a unique new generation granular insecticide providing excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer in Rice Corn and Early Shoot Borer in Sugarcane The dual mode of action present in Virtako ensures a long lasting protection from Stem Borer in Rice Corn and Early Shoot borer in Sugarcane Sygenta Virtako 40 WG Insecticide 100g GoEden May 5 2023 Virtako is a combination of thiamethoxam and chlorantraniliprole two active ingredients for insect control It is a danger product and requires specific application advice and emergency contacts Field Evaluation of Virtako 24 DT an insecticidal tablet Virtako is a unique new generation granular insecticide providing excellent control Know more chevronright Evicent A broad spectrum new generation insecticide Virtako Insecticide is the first unique new generation granular insecticide from Syngenta having excellent control and longlasting protection from Stem Borer in Rice Maize and Early Shoot Borer in Sugarcane Virtako syngenta technical name Chlorantraniliprole 05 GR Thiamethoxam 1 It helps rice growers arrest crop loss at vegetative Syngenta Virtako Insecticide for Rice Paddy Sugarcane Corn VIRTAKO Thiamethoxam 10 ww Chlorantraniliprole 05 w For Rice growers VIRTAKO is a unique new generation granule insecticide having excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer It helps rice growers to arrest crop loss at vegetative stage It provides vigor to the plant for better crop establishment thus ensuring higher yield Virtako Insecticide Syngenta Buy Online Rs gambar gerabah 999 BigHaat Virtako Syngenta

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