wadul - Tundra Yukaghir language and alphabet Omniglot

Brand: wadul

wadul - The Yukaghirs or Yukagirs Northern Yukaghir scvo2 вадул деткиль wadul detkil Russian юкагиры are a Siberian ethnic group in the Russian Far East living in the basin of the Kolyma River Arti kata wadul Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI Online Tundra Yukaghir wadul is a member of the Yukaghir language family comprising Tundra and Kolyma Yukaghir odul It is spoken in the tundra west of the Kolyma River Tundra and Kolyma Yukaghir are the only two remnants of what used to be one of the dominant languageslanguage families of northeastern Siberia The Tundra Yukaghir language also known as Northern Yukaghir selfdesignation Вадул аруу Wadul aruu 3 is one of only two extant Yukaghir languages Tundra Yukaghir is also known as Northern Yukaghir Jukagir Tundra Tundre Wadul babybliss Yukaghir or Yukagir It is related to Southern Yukaghir but the two languages are not mutually intelligible A way to write Yukaghir languages with the Cyrillic alphabet was developed in the 1980s by Gavril Kurilov Tundra Yukaghir language and alphabet Omniglot ETHNONYMS Jukaghir Odul Wadul Yukaghir Orientation Identification The Yukagir are one of the smallest minorities in the former USSR Territorially the Yukagir are subdivided into two groups the Taiga group lives in the Upper Kolyma District of the Yakut Republic and in the Saimanchanskoi District of Magadan Province along the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia versi OnlineDaring dalam jaringan mengacu KBBI KemdiknasPusatBahasa cari arti kata kaya fitur Tundra Yukaghir Endangered Languages and Cultures of Siberia Yukaghir people Wikipedia Tundra Yukaghir invini88 language Wikipedia Yukagir Encyclopediacom

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