warna avocado - Avocado Color Codes colorcodesio

warna avocado - Avocado color hex code is 568203 keluaran laos ColorNamecom Avocado toast is an open sandwich consisting of toasted bread topped with mashed avocado plus any of a variety of spices and flavorful ingredients the Nikocado Avocado Nicholas Perry born May 19 1992 better known as Nikocado Avocado is a Ukrainianborn American internet celebrity and YouTuber known for his mukbang Avocado 568203 Hex Color Code RGB and Paints Encycolorpedia 10 Inspirasi Warna yang Cocok dengan HIjau Avocado Kaminiid 1600 Avocado Color Schemes iColorpalette Avocado RGB Color Code 568203 About Avocado Color codes similar colors and paints colorxscom Warna netral selalu bisa diandalkan dan putih terlihat cocok dengan warna avocadoBaik varian warna avocado yang cenderung tua maupun muda keduanya bisa menjadi pasangan yang serasi untuk putih Dibandingkan dengan cokelat warna beige terlihat lebih lembut sehingga cocok untuk yang ingin tampil lebih kalem Sementara warna putih akan membuat warna avocado terlihat lebih mencolok dan segar What is Avocado Color Avocado has the hex code 568203 The equivalent RGB values are 86 130 3 which means it is composed of 39 red 59 green and 1 blue The CMYK color codes used in printers are C34 M0 Y98 K49 In the HSVHSB scale Avocado has a hue of 81 98 saturation and a brightness value of 51 Avocado Color Scheme Palettes SchemeColorcom Avocado Color ArtyClick Avocado is cool or warm The color Avocado is a warm color What is the LRV of Avocado Avocado has an LRV of nearly 18 By LRV value it is a medium dark color Light Reflectance Value LRV is a measure of how much visible light is reflected off a surface It is a number on a scale of 0 to 100 with 0 being pure black and 100 being pure white Avocado Color Codes colorcodesio 1600 Avocado Color Schemes Colours that ohg go well with Avocado tone combination palettes Collect c2945c 4f3816 525727 9b9c61 748050 View Edit Palette Download The color avocado with hexadecimal color code 568203 is a medium dark shade of green In the RGB color model 568203 is composed of 3373 red 5098 green and 118 blue In the HSL color space 568203 has a hue of 81 degrees 95 saturation and 26 lightness This color has an approximate wavelength of 56065 nm The RGB Values and Percentages for Avocado Each system has a different value or percentage of colors that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum and the same can be said for avocado In the RGB red green blue system the avocado color percentage is comprised of avocado in the RGB system is 15514895 Avocado is a light bright shade of Green It belongs to the Spring Green color family and it has high lightness and high saturation Avocado is a warm color Avocado 90B134 Shades of Avocado 8EAF33 7E9C2D 6E8827 5F7522 4F611C 3F4E16 2F3A11 1F270B 0F1305 000000 Find more Tints of Avocado 8EAF33 99B844 A5C156 Avocado Color Scheme The Avocado Color Scheme has 6 colors which are Metallic Green 356211 Avocado 558303 Maximum Green 6C8F32 Crayolas Yellow F2E880 Dark Coral C15C37 and Metallic Brown AA471F The RGB and CMYK values of the colors are in the table below along with the closest RAL and PANTONE numbers Click on a color chip to view shades tints and tones and also 23 Macam Macam Warna Hijau Kode dan Keterangannya Warna yang diberi kode 568203 ini diberi nama avocado karena terinspirasi dari warna hijau pada buah alpukat 3 Warna Hijau Forest sumber htmlcsscolorcom Variasi warna hijau ini mencerminkan rona pada tanaman dan pohon di hutan Adapun kode dari warna ini adalah 228B22 pt nipro 4 Warna Hijau Asparagus

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