waschen - WASCHEN DeutschEnglisch Übersetzung PONS Übersetzung DeutschEnglisch xbn für WASCHEN im PONS OnlineWörterbuch nachschlagen Gratis Vokabeltrainer Verbtabellen Aussprachefunktion Jan 2 2025 Learn the meaning pronunciation conjugation and etymology of the German verb waschen which means to wash Compare with related terms and anagrams in German Low German and Middle English A list of the common conjugations for the German verb waschen along with their English translations German Beginner Word Sets 0 Multiple Choice 0 Hidden WASCHEN translations to wash to pan to launder shampoo wash shampoo wash washing Learn more in the Cambridge GermanEnglish Dictionary What does waschen mean in German WordHippo Konjugation des Verbs waschen alle Zeitformen Duden Videos for Waschen Verb conjugation of waschen in German vocabulixcom Learn how to conjugate waschen wash wash oneself in the present tense with rules examples and video See the verb table comments and further rules for waschen in other tenses and moods Conjugation of the verb waschen in the imperative the participle and the infinitive The imperative and the participle are important grammatical moods in the German conjugation They are widely used so we invite you to refer to our lessons on German participle and the imperative in German to know their uses in detail Please leave this field empty Never miss out Join over 20000 German learners and get my epic newsletter whenever I post a new article Learn the meaning pronunciation and usage of the German verb waschen which can mean to wash to pan to launder to shampoo or to wash See translations examples and synonyms in the Cambridge GermanEnglish Dictionary Other forms sich waschennicht waschen Double conjugation for the verb wachsen and its compounds 1 Regular ich wachse ich wachste gewachst 2 Irregular there is a vowel change in the stem of Present tense ich wachse the stem of Preterite ich wuchs and the stem of Past Participle gewachsen Present of German verb waschen Netzverb Dictionary Waschen Conjugation in German Studycom Conjugation of German verb waschen The conjugation of the verb waschen wash do the laundry is irregular Basic forms are wäscht wusch and hat gewaschen The stem vowels are a u a Conjugation verb waschen in German Reverso waschen Translation in LEOs English German Dictionary English Translation of WASCHEN The official Collins GermanEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of German words and phrases The verb waschen has a stemchanging conjugation It isci is considered a strong verb meaning that the a turns into ä in the second du wäschst you wash and third person er sie es Lernen Sie wie man das Verb waschen in allen Zeitformen und Modi konjugiert Das Verb kann eventuell nicht in allen seinen Bedeutungen reflexiv verwendet werden waschen translation in English GermanEnglish dictionary Hände waschen Rdw umgangssprachlich Hände sauber machen wash ones hands Übersetzung nicht verfügbar mit dem Schwamm waschen Rdw waschen mit Schwamm clean with a sponge v expr sich waschen Vr Körperpflege betreiben wash oneself vi refl Die Kinder waschen sich bevor sie schlafen gehen The children wash themselves before Sentences with German verb waschen Netzverb Dictionary Waschen ist ein starkes Verb das verschiedene Bedeutungen hat wie Schmutz entfernen reinigen säubern oder abscheiden Erfahren Sie mehr über die Herkunft die Synonyme die Grammatik und die typischen Verbindungen von waschen Waschen Verb conjugation in German Learn how to conjugate waschen in various tenses Present ich wasche du wäschst er wäscht Conjugation German waschen All forms of verb examples Sentences with German verb waschen Examples for using the conjugation of the verb waschen These are real sentences and sentences from the project Tatoeba For each conjugated form such a sentence example is displayed The verb form is highlighted If there are more than one sentence an example with the German verb waschen is selected waschen Wörterbuch DeutschEnglisch WordReferencecom Conjugation of the verb waschen in all German tenses waschen Last post 22 Sep 04 1247 Waschen Sie sich bitte für diesen Eingriff In der Medizin speziell Chirurgie bedeutet sich w 1 Replies heiß waschen Last post 27 May 19 0349 Man sollte seinen Kopfkissenbezug regelmäßig heiß waschen Tipp gegen Akne Kann man sagen 26 Replies Dreckwäsche waschen Last post 16 Aug 04 0844 Conjugation of the German verb waschen Lexis Rex English words for waschen include wash clean launder bathe lave pan sluice sponge down and clean down Find more German words at wordhippocom Learn the meaning pronunciation and usage of the German verb waschen which means to wash to launder or to clear Find examples synonyms conjugation and related expressions in English and German WASCHEN in English Cambridge Dictionary Duden waschen Rechtschreibung Bedeutung Definition waschen in English The German Learners Dictionary waschen Wiktionary the free dictionary English translation of waschen Collins Online Dictionary WASCHEN translate German niso4 to English Cambridge Dictionary