winarno - Bondan Winarno Google Scholar W Winarno arti ain A Prasetyo A Wijayanto E3S Web of Conferences 448 02035 2023 4 2023 Program Ketahanan Pangan saat Pandemi Melalui Penanaman Warung Hidup Sebagai Usaha Pemberdayaan Masyarakat W Winarno AL Putri Prosiding Seminar Nasional Membangun DesaUNS 1 1 2020 3 2020 B Winarno D Rohadi T Herawati M Rahmat E Suwarno IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 487 1 012008 2020 12 2020 Lens on Tropical sericulture development in Indonesia recent status and future directions for industry and social forestry Winarno earned a masters degree in computer science from the University of Indonesia in 1996 and in the same year he was appointed director of Grasindo Publishers until 2004 Winarno completed his doctoral studies in education management at the State University of Jakarta in 2005 Dr Ir P M Winarno MKom Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Winarno FG 1997 Food Chemistry and Nutrition Gramedia Jakarta Winarno Associates S Hasan ME Winarno A Tomi Jurnal Pendidikan Olah Raga 4 2 182200 2015 39 2015 Penerapan pendekatan saintifik dalam aktivitas belajar pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan di SMK Negeri 4 Malang PS Mustafa ME Winarno Jurnal Penjakora 7 2 7892 2020 37 2020 Winarno Google Scholar Winarno FG 1997 Food Chemistry and Nutrition Gramedia Jakarta has been cited by the following article TITLE A Study on Tomato Candy Prepared by Dehydration Technique Using Different Sugar Solutions AUTHORS Md Hasanuzzaman M Kamruzzaman Md Mominul Winarno blestop Google Scholar A Zuserain W Winarno B Nugraha A Momon Journal Industrial Servicess 6 2 99104 2021 9 2021 Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Celana pada UMKM KMStoreid Menggunakan Metode Statistical Process Control MA Faiz W Winarno A Suseno Jurnal Serambi Engineering 7 4 2022 8 2022 Tri WINARNO Research profile Dr A Driando AhnanWinarno Better Nature LinkedIn WINARNO ASSOCIATES has a very large commitment in providing legal services to clients We provide the best and the most effective solutions We always prioritizing the secrecy of clients WINARNO ASSOCIATES supported by the advocate professionals in Law Psychology and other fields These professionals are also have the ability to Winarno Surakhmad Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Tri Winarno Meily Ika Permata This paper studies the effects of foreign capital flows toward the exchange rate of rupiah both in total and across types of capital investment Winarno Surakhmad 25 Agustus 1930 1 Juli 2016 adalah guru besar Universitas Negeri JakartaIa menjabat Rektor IKIP Jakarta kini menjadi UNJ periode 19751980 Pembina Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia ISPI 1 Penasihat Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia PGRI Aktif sebagai Konsultan Nasional Pendidikan untuk Regional Education Development Program REDIP Japan International ME Winarno Google Scholar After witnessing the traumatic effects of cancer environmental pollution and Experience Better Nature Education University of Oxford Location United Kingdom 500 connections on LinkedIn View Dr A Driando AhnanWinarnos profile on LinkedIn a professional community chineserd of 1 billion members
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