yakopi - yakopi Author at Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia

Brand: yakopi

yakopi - Coastal restoration and agroforestry programmes deliver azovstal environmental sustainability Yakopi One Team One Dream For Generations Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia YAKOPI is a nonprofit organisation based in North Sumatra that has worked with stakeholders at all levels on programmes to conserve and restore mangrove forests Most importantly Yakopi always works with the community Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia YAKOPI Yakopi Apps on Google Play NATURE FUTURE JOURNAL The Indonesian Coastal Conservation Foundation YAKOPI is a nonprofit organization based in North Sumatra and Aceh that has worked with stakeholders at all levels on programs to conserve and restore mangrove forests We also work with coastal communities academics and the Environment and Forestry Office DLHK as policy makers We encourage the preservation and conservation of existing Apr 4 2022 YAKOPI is a local Indonesia group dedicated to restoring mangroves and providing employment opportunities for local women and youth Directed by Eling Tuhono YAKOPI are experts and local leaders in mangrove restoration and will be responsible for managing many logistical aspects of the program on the ground yakopi Author at Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia Information System YAKOPI Login Login to application Powered By What we are Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia Information System YAKOPI Nov 20 2024 Selamat datang di Dashboard YAKOPI platform jurnal ilmiah yang berkomitmen pada pelestarian lingkungan dan keanekaragaman hayati pesisirDi sini kami menyediakan akses bagi para peneliti praktisi dan pecinta lingkungan untuk berkontribusi dan berbagi hasil riset terkait ekosistem pesisir Indonesia Livelihood The economic development programme aims to improve the wellbeing of coastal residents Making the most effective and sustainable use of fisheries and marine resources is a key focus of Yakopis efforts which also include improving the quality of human resources strengthening socioeconomic institutions and developing economic activities Until now the lives of fishermen Yakopi mangrove restoration Indonesia Solid World Regenerative projects to restore Sumatras mangroves We are an institution that cares about mangrove conservation and restoration of forests Pengalaman Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia Lokasi Sumatera Utara 500 koneksi di LinkedIn Lihat profil Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia YAKOPI di LinkedIn sebuah komunitas profesional dengan 1 miliar anggota The Yakopi Indonesia project aims to aims to increase the carrying capacity of mangrove ecosystems in the coasts of Indonesia for carbon sequestration and natural disaster risk reduction Use of mangrove areas for aquaculture agriculture and infrastructure development are key drivers in the loss of mangrove habitats in the region Showcasing YAKOPIs 2024 Collaborations with Governments ACEH TENGAH REGIONAL GOVERNMENTPreservation of Biodiversity and Agroforestry ManagementFOREST MANAGEMENT UNIT KPH III ACEHDevelopment of Restoration Programs and Supervision of Mangrove Forest Areas in the Working Area of Forest Management Unit Region III AcehSOUTH NIAS DISTRICT GOVERNMENTImplementation of Coastal Ecosystem Main Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia Apr 16 2024 We collaborate closely with reputable implementing partners to ensure comprehensive restoration of ecosystems Our partners in Indonesia YAKOPI and PUR possess extensive local ecological knowledge and work with communities to select appropriate species for planting establish conditions conducive to survival and safeguard the project We ClimeCo charlie watts YAKOPI and PUR Projet Partner for Mangrove Restoration Yakopi has longterm plans to expand and strengthen its restoration programmes across Indonesia By working with local communities stakeholders and government support they hope to achieve significant results in environmental conservation and improved social and economic wellbeing in the regions they support Blue Carbon 103 Indonesian Mangrove Restoration ClimeCo Jul 26 2023 They are members group of mentored by Yakopi which based in Simeulue Aceh province This strong women are trying to save their place where they live with planting mangroves They also can improve their economis by cultivating the mangroves that they planted such as processing fishes into food products and its trunks can be used as a dye The YAKOPI mangrove project encompasses 196 villages and approximately 1100 hectares in the Aceh and North Sumatra regions providing investment in local socioeconomic development including genderequitable employment and ecotourism Additionally it promotes the implementation of sustainable locally run pilot fisheries called Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia YAKOPI is a nonprofit organization that focuses on climate change mitigation and community empowerment within the environmental conservation sector Its main services include ecosystem restoration environmental education and conducting research to understand and address environmental challenges HighQuality NatureBased Solutions in Indonesia Allying ClimeCo Partners with YAKOPI and PUR Projet for 6000 Acre Restoration Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia yakopiorg Feb 15 2023 For its part Yakopi funded by ReforestAction since 2021 aims to restore 481 hectares by 2024 in these same provinces At the same time the two organisations are increasing the number of awarenessraising workshops for local communities and developing various economic sectors that make use of the mangroves natural resources such as the ClimeCo Partners with YAKOPI and PUR Projet for Mangrove Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia Products Competitors Apr 5 2022 YAKOPI is a local Indonesia group working to restore mangroves and provide employment opportunities for local women and youth Directed by Eling Tuhono YAKOPI are experts and local leaders in mangrove restoration They will be responsible for managing many logistical aspects of the program on the ground Coastal and forest restoration activities have a significant positive impact on several environmental aspects including soil and water quality biodiversity and the livelihoods of communities living near these areas This supports environmental conservation goals and social wellbeing at both local and global levels Impact of Coastal and Forest Restoration Activities Soil Improved soil Impact Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia Apr 4 2022 YAKOPI is a local Indonesia group dedicated to restoring mangroves and providing employment opportunities for local women and youth Directed by Eling Tuhono YAKOPI are experts and local leaders Dec 12 2024 The Indonesian Coastal Conservation Foundation YAKOPI is a nonprofit organization based in North Sumatra and Aceh that has worked with stakeholders at all levels on programs to conserve and restore mangrove forests We also work with coastal communities academics and the Environment and Forestry Office DLHK as policy makers YAYASAN KONSERVASI PESISIR INDONESIA YAKOPI Livelihood Yayasan sssgram Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia yakopiorg

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